Marketing Your Business for FREE!

Okay, I have a little secret. It actually is not a secret to most, but some just don't get it. In an economy like we are in right now, (a very crappy one), you need to continue to market your business. I hear so many companies tell me that they are cutting back their marketing and their budgets are shrinking, and blah blah blah. It isn't always about spending money. If you don't read anything else, read this:


This is not just me trying to sell more imprinted pens and t-shirts. I think the most important thing right now is to continue to be proactive. History has shown that market share is gained the most in a down economy by those who continue to work hard and market their business.
One thing that I have found that has worked great for me and my business has been networking. Now don't get me wrong, I've been networking since I started my business 4 years ago. But here lately, I have really seen a big boom in people who traditionally weren't into networking getting involved. Here's what you can do, and it doesn't cost anything...or if it does cost its very minimal:
-Become active in your local Chamber (go the the luncheons, after hours events, before hours events, become an Ambassador, volunteer)
-Join a local BNI (Business Networking International) this is a little more of an investment in terms of time and money than your local Chamber, but as a BNI member of 4 years, I can promise this group works, and there are chapters all over the world.
-Forget trying to sell your products and services...Help others

You're probably thinking..WHAT? How am I supposed to make money if I don't try to push my product? Well, let me tell you, if you forget about yourself for a second and focus on others, it will come back to you in the end. Zig Ziglar said it best, "You can have anything in the world you want if you’ll just help enough other people get what they want."

Make it your goal to go to networking events and truly engage others and make lasting relationships. Talk to 3 or 4 people and make a point to follow up after the event with an invite to lunch or coffee. Get to know them. Find out what makes them tick, what a good referral for them is, how you can help their business, etc. If you help them grow their business, they are going to turn right around and do whatever it takes to help you grow yours. Simple enough, and it's free. Good luck and happy networking.


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